Mei Hadaas
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Directed by Rabbi Reuven Leuchter, Shlita, Mei HaDa’as, is committed to the study and implementation of Mussar and Chinuch in the Jewish world, encouraging more and more people to place true personal growth at the center of their lives

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.כל התרומות בשקל יקבלו קבלות סעיף 46 Mehr ...

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Directed by Rabbi Reuven Leuchter, Shlita, Mei HaDa’as, is committed to the study and implementation of Mussar and Chinuch in the Jewish world, encouraging more and more people to place true personal growth at the center of their lives.

Both the young and old, yungerliet, teachers, and students alike, are discovering new avenues for personal development, growth, and education in yeshivas, schools, and homes.

Hundreds enjoy weekly shiurim given by Rabbi Leuchter and other Rabbonim on a wide array of topics. Many more participate in the weekly Zoom shiurim and other valuable resources offered through the Mei Hadaas website.

Our activities revolve around the Mei HaDaas center located in Jerusalem, but our influence is not limited to Jerusalem or even Israel. We organize shiurim in yeshivas and communities throughout the world, for a wide spectrum of audiences. Through an increased emphasis on the future leaders and teachers of Klal Yisroel, our impact is growing.


Beis Medrash for Mechanchim

A Maggid Shiur can be a guide for the bochurim through the turbulent period of adolescence, assisting him in his growth as a balanced Ben Torah with a healthy self-perception, and a true connection to Torah and Yiraas Shemayim. But unfortunately, not all Maggidei Shiur possess the necessary tools to play this important role.

The Mei Hadaas Mechanchim program is a revolutionary foray in the field of chinuch, which will B’ezras Hashem impact the lives of thousands of Talmidim.

Led by Rav Leuchter, Yeshiva educators delve into the realm of personalized teaching, gain awareness of their students’ distinct ways of learning, and acquire practical strategies to address difficulties and challenges.

The Maggidei Shiur attending the program hail from a broad spectrum of Yeshivos, such as Chevron, Ohr Yisroel, Ohr Elchanan, Yakiri Yerushalayim, Nesivos Hachochma, Toras Ze’ev, and more.


Kollel Mei Hadaas

The Kollel members delve into the words of Chazal and the Ba'alei Mussar and work on making these ideas applicable to their own development. Rav Leuchter guides both the individual and the group as a whole, as they approach critical and central topics in Jewish life. The Kollel features joint and individual learning, group discussions and sichos given by Rav Leuchter.

Even in a very short time, we have been privileged to see not only the growth of the avreichim as individuals, but their impact on the larger Torah community as well. They return to their respective communities armed with the tools, values and wisdom they have gained from this unique program.

The Hisbonenus Institute

The Hisbonenus Institute is responsible for the writing and dissemination of Rav Leuchter’s shiurim. The Institute is staffed by veteran talmidim of Rav Leuchter, both English and Hebrew speaking. They have made it their goal to bring Rav Leuchter’s Torah thoughts and approach to Avodas Hashem to a larger audience.

The Hisbonenus Institute puts out a weekly d’var Torah on the Parshas Hashavua. The d’var Torah is intended to be short and easy-to-read, yet provide readers with meaningful and practical ideas.

In addition, the Institute publishes a series of shiurim delivered over the years on various topics, such as chinuch, menuchas hanefesh, and Shabbos.

The Institute is also investing major efforts at this time to publish Rav Leuchter’s sefarim on Nefesh Hachayim, Ohr Yisrael, Teshuvah, Tefillah, Hagaddah shel Pesach and more.

You are welcome to visit the Mei HaDa'as website to find out more about our wide-ranging activities:

Click here  to sign up for the weekly d’var Torah.