R’ Dovid Kraus Zt”l
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Reb Dovid Kraus was one of the victims of the Meron disaster, he left behind a widow and 9 young orphans, the eldest just 13 years old, with 3 of the children special needs. Plus ...

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Who can hear the cry of 9 weeping orphans and not tremble???

We’re all reeling, we’re all shattered. But it’s not enough just to feel. We have to do something.

Rav Dovid Krausz, zt’’l, one of the tragic Meron kedoshim from Beit Shemesh, leaves behind a shattered almanah, shattered orphans, shattered hearts — the oldest only 13. 

Three of them have special-needs, requiring physical therapy four times a week. One has a hearing-impairment and needs hearing aids that will cost $7,500. On top of their weekly medical costs, their monthly living expenses are $10,000. 

They cannot possibly do it alone!

Rav Dovid Krausz was an exceptional talmid chochom who lived a life devoted to Torah. So deep was his thirst for Torah, that he barely ate, barely slept and fasted regularly — which in his humility, he hid so well, his Rebetzin only discovered it recently. 

His every waking moment was for the Eibishter. For ten years, he learned chavrusa with Rav Aryeh Leib Weiss, shlita, Dayan in Beit Shemesh — including the morning of his tragic petirah. His kehilla watched how he toiled in Torah, with a daily schedule that finished after midnight — yet by 5:40am, every day without fail, he’d be on his way to Shul again.

Rav Dovid is now in the yeshiva shel maaleh, but we cannot leave the family of a talmid chacham to fend for themselves. YOU and I will be their family.

Please donate to this urgent campaign to raise £250,000 for a fund to keep his grieving family afloat, now and for the future. 

Your generous contribution will give them comfort and save them from collapsing completely.

Tizku l’mitzvos!

Written by: info@cstcopy.com