Manchester Mesivta-Jewish Grammar
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

For 75 years, Mesivta has stood at the forefront of Torah education. More ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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For 75 years, Mesivta has stood at the forefront of Torah education.

For 75 years, thousands of parents have entrusted Mesivta to equip their sons with the tools for success in life.

For 75 years, countless Mesivta alumni have gone on to become accomplished professionals, Rabbonim, and community leaders.


Because at Mesivta, we believe in the values that empower boys to succeed.

We combine a strong Torah education with an exceptional Chol program, instilling a commitment to hard work and excellence.

But now, for the first time in our 75-year history, we face a critical choice.

Do we continue as we have, or do we rise to meet the unique challenges of this generation?

Today’s boys require more individuality, support, and resources to thrive. To address these needs, we must adapt and expand our offerings.

This includes new programming, such as enhanced evening chaburos for all boys and a revamped sixth-form schedule that provides additional study support and Kodesh learning opportunities throughout the day, extending into the evening. These initiatives demand significant resources beyond our current budget.

We also aim to renew the fabric of the school, creating a modern environment with new labs, resources, and facilities that foster pride and support our mission for excellence.

To continue the Mesivta legacy and meet the challenges of this generation, we need your partnership. Your support ensures we can adapt, thrive, and continue to provide the exceptional education and care that define us.

Every donation counts, and thanks to generous matchers, every contribution will be doubled.

Together, let’s ensure Mesivta remains a beacon of excellence for the next 75 years.

Thank you for your support!