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Ursprüngliches Ziel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Misaskim of North London and Misaskim of North West London have united to write two new Sifrei Torah, for the use of Misaskim. The funds will go directly to cover the costs of the Sefer Torah. Any extra funds will be used for other vital Misaskim costs to help service the community. Mehr ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} mit  {{donor.teamName}} 


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We find ourselves in strange, scary and painful times. Unprecedented to say the least. Everyone wonders, everyone is asking; what is it that we need to do.
In the times of the holy Baal Shem Tov זי''ע a deadly pandemic broke out in the Baal Shem Tov’s hometown of Mezibush.
Old and young were falling ill to the raging disease. A crisis indeed.
As the situation worsened people turned to the Baal Shem Tov and asked him to daven that the plague should vanish, and lives should be spared.
The Baal Shem Tov responded that the annulment of the decree was not in his hands, but rather in the hands of the town’s people. Further elaborating on his words, he explained that the entire community should participate in the creation of a new Sefer Torah.
The people of Mezibush immediately gathered and took upon themselves to do just that and the Baal Shem Tov instructed his Sofer to begin writing the Miracle Torah. Amazingly enough, as the Torah was written, the community began to heal.
In light of the recent virus sweeping through the world and hitting Jewish  communities especially strong, local Rabbanim and Roshie Yeshivos have encouraged us to take part in this initiative.
As a result, Misaskim of North London and Misaskim of North West London have united to write two new Sifrei Torah, for the use of Misaskim. London United!
The funds will go directly to cover the costs of the Sefer Torah. Any extra funds will be used for other vital Misaskim costs to help service the community.
We are all reeling. Many of our family members and neighbours are in need of a Refua Shelaima!
We must take action now! Be part of this Miracle Sefer Torah.
Let’s join together and make this happen.