Manchester Kolel - כולל הרבנים
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גדלו לה' אתי - Raising Greatness. Together Plus ...

Ceci est une campagne de jumelage, chaque don sera jumelé x2 par nos généreux donateurs
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{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 

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There were many small provincial towns with significant Jewish Communities. Unfortunately, many of these kehillos are fading away or no longer exist.

Why did Manchester not suffer the same fate?

Just over 60 years ago, the עיני העדה foresaw the decline in English communities and set up a Kolel in Manchester to promote and Raise the Banner of Torah and Yiddishkeit in the town.

Led for 45 years by the legendary הגאון רבי בנימין זאב קויפמאן זצוק"ל and continued by his son and successor הרה"ג רבי אליהו אליעזר קויפמאן שליט"א, Manchester Kolel continues Raising yungerleit to greatness in Torah, enabling them to spread the light of Torah through Manchester and beyond.

Today the Kolel has close to 30 full time Yungerleit of all ages reaching tremendous heights בתורה בעבודה וביראה and are well known througout town as great תלמידי חכמים giving of their precious time to deliver many Shiurim and Pasken for all the broad community.

Additionally, the kolel is utilised as a central Mokom Torah for Yungerleit and Balebatim to enjoy the welcoming and spacious Beis Hamedrash from early morning until late at night.
