Naaleh Sem: a Home at Home for Chassidish Girls who are looking to grow and develop in their prime years, from leaving high school until they get Engaged & Married IYH.
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Naaleh Sem Manchester A Home at Home for Chassidish Girls who are looking to grow and develop in their prime years, from leaving high school until they get Engaged & Married IYH.
The atmosphere is homey, the education is on a very high level and the girls are always smiling!
The feedback from so many different angles is always positive. “My daughter is feeling so accomplished” ”My child is always busy with Sem” ”My Daughter loves the lessons and the Extra-curricular”
We are Boruch Hashem achieving, but we need help to make this continue.
Please show us your support and enable us to be able to assist in the growth of these daughters of Klal Yisroel, future Mothers and Grandmothers IYH.