NHS Heroes
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Objetivo del Bonus
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We have launched an emergency fund to support local NHS front line staff at the Royal Free, Barnet & Chase Farm hospitals during the COVID-19 crisis. Through the Royal Free chairty the fund will be used to give local NHS front line staff the extras not funded by the Government they have asked for and what they need. This includes; The provision of care packages at the end of a very long shift; Psychological support; Transport costs; Overnight stays and more Más ...


Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} con  {{donor.teamName}} 


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With the support of cllr Dean Cohen and cllr Peter Zinkin, we have launched an emergency fund to support NHS front line staff through the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis.
This includes, nurses, ambulance staff, doctors, consultants, and all other front line NHS staff putting themselves at risk. 
Many of them are now caring for patients with coronavirus. Others are looking after patients who are not unwell with the virus but still desperately need your help. With resources stretched to the limit, they are working under the most extreme pressure, and in the most challenging of circumstances. We also know that this crisis is set to become even more acute over the coming weeks and months, as the number of people requiring urgent care continues to rise.
From the teams on the wards, intensive care units and emergency departments, to the porters, cleaners and support staff working on site and those working at a distance – every one of the NHS is playing a role in the fight against this deadly virus.
 This fund will support them as they support us.
Since the crisis began, we have  been working closely with the NHS trust to identify exactly what need to support staff in their roles and to make life a little more bearable. Much of this will be funded by the government, but not everything.
Our aim is to raise funds to get a complete support service in place as soon as possible to help front line staff in the weeks and months ahead.
We hope that every penny will make a real difference to their lives;
  • The provision of care packages at the end of a very long shift.
  • Psychological support
  • Transport costs
  • Overnight stays 
Details of the campaign can be found here www.royalfreecharity.org​.  If you have any questions, please email RFLHeroes@royalfreecharity.org
The fund will be used to give NHS front line staff the extras they have asked for and what they need.
They are an incredible team – our heroes ­– and we the public are forever in their debt.