TOGETHER for a great future
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Cette campagne fait partie de   Chabad UK Giving Day , Total collecté £1 557 809

Chabad are now entering their 15th year in Nottingham! They've served tens of thousands of meals to thousands of students and community members, they've provided innumerable hours of support and kindness Plus ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Chabad are now entering their 15th year in Nottingham! They've served tens of thousands of meals to thousands of students and community members, they've provided innumerable hours of support and kindness -  and YOUR generosity helps them continue to do so.
Despite the skyrocketing utilities and food costs, Chabad is determined to keep providing a welcoming home for all, filled with Jewish knowledge and Jewish pride.

YOU can help them achieve it!

Where is the money going?
£35,000 is to maintain and repair much of the building, including windows, new flooring in the community room, fixing damp problems and creating better spaces.
£35,000 will ensure Chabad can continue to provide meals and activities during this financial crisis - covering the astronomical rises in utilities and food products.