Johannesburg Jewish Helping Hand (Chevrah Kadisha)
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
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{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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The Johannesburg Jewish Helping Hand (Chevrah Kadisha) is the largest Jewish welfare NPO in Africa. Plus ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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The Johannesburg Jewish Helping Hand (Chevrah Kadisha) is the largest Jewish welfare NPO in Africa. Initially established as a burial society, 97% of our resources are now targeted at the living. We care for 1 in every 5 Jews left in Johannesburg with every human psychological and welfare need, from cradle to grave. Our annual budget is $20 million, of which 70% must be privately funded, and with the increase in emigration, their donor pool is shrinking. Help from our expat community has therefore become critical.

No matter where in the world they live, South African Jews still care deeply for the country and community they grew up in, because we’ll always be one family and One Tribe