- {{teams.current.teamName}}
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נתרמו מתוך
יעד בונוס
יעד מקורי {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Celebrating 12 years of assisting the community, Paperweight supports more than 160 new clients a MONTH, often with multiple and complex issues, including general bureaucracy, debt and finance, welfare and benefits, wills and probate, divorce and the fall-out from physical and mental health, abuse and old age. עוד ...

נתרמו מתוך
נתרמו מתוך

Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} עם  {{donor.teamName}} 


נתרמו מתוך
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נתרמו מתוך
נתרמו מתוך
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Celebrating 12 years of assisting the community, Paperweight supports more than 160 new clients a MONTH, often with multiple and complex issues, including general bureaucracy, debt and finance, welfare and benefits, wills and probate, divorce and the fall-out from physical and mental health, abuse and old age.

Founded on the principle of offering hope, it was established to provide free guidance, support and practical help at times of crisis to vulnerable people within our Jewish community. We offer a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on and a friendly, professional ear to listen.

We are often asked, ‘Who is that person who calls us?’

We can tell you it’s someone from your street or my street, your neighbour or mine, someone from OUR community and if we are not here to help them, then the anxiety will increase, the illness will be worse, the debt will rise, the bill won’t get paid, the bailiffs will call, the children will suffer, the wheels of bureaucracy will turn, the correct forms won't be sent to the courts, the welfare benefits will stop, the burden on that person and on the community will increase  - and all because we weren’t there to answer their call.

To answer that call costs money. 6 or 7 calls a day, is 30 – 35 new clients per week, 160 – 170 per month, that is 1500 + new clients per year.  To administrate that, to provide the support, the knowledge, the expertise, the systems and infrastructure, the training, the insurance and all the associated costs requires funding. Every one of those calls is a story, a person, a family, who are reaching out for help.

And that funding transforms lives. That funding enables all those people to sleep at night. That funding gives people independence, security, the knowledge and comfort that someone is there to support them and it provides the lifeline to enable them to carry on with their lives.

Please support this campaign to enable us to continue this crucial work. A free charity is not free to run.

Thank you so much for helping change lives for the better
For any questions or to donate on the phone, please call: 0203 841 8255
The Paperweight Trust -  Charity No: 1146302