Maybe this Time
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
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Objectif originel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Maybe this time - your donations will give them the family they’ve always dreamed of Plus ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Maybe this time.

It’s the thought that echoes in the mind of anyone struggling with infertility. It's why they keep coming back, visit after visit, test after treatment, and why they continue to fight through the arduous process.

Maybe this time brings to the forefront the waiting that couples on their fertility journey must endure before they welcome their miracle into the world. The anticipation, the endless appointments, but most importantly, the hope that keeps them going. 

Maybe this time not only represents the hope of creating a bundle of joy. It signifies everything PUAH does differently to make This Time so much better than all the times before.

Maybe this time couples on their fertility journey will come to PUAH. They’ll be offered advanced medical care, guided emotional support from a counselor, and halachic answers from PUAH’s Rabinnic team.  
This time, PUAH will help create a miracle. 

But This Time can’t happen without you.

In 2021, your donations funded:

520 Daily Calls

5,662 Lab Treatments with PUAH Supervision

13,390 New Cases

235 Mashgichot PUAH Observers in Labs