Lev Chaim
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Lev Chaim supports the patient throughout their journey and works with private doctors and professionals to ensure and expedite the route is taken for diagnosis and treatment Más ...


Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} con  {{donor.teamName}} 


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When a doctor suspects their patient may have cancer, their lives get turned upside down. Current lengthy waiting times in the NHS system means it can be weeks or months before a mammogram test or similar is organised. During that agonising wait, parents find it difficult to function and the whole family can become consumed by anxiety and worry.

We help anyone in the Jewish community. Lev Chaim supports the patient throughout their diagnosis and works with private doctors and professionals to ensure the best possible route is taken. 

Over the last 4 years we have B"H helped more than 350 families by arranging private appointments for the full range of cancer related needs. Including: CT scans, MRI scans, blood tests, biopsies etc. The relationships that we have with private consultants, doctors and radiologists means we are able to act swiftly and save lives as a result.

A concerned daughter called us on a Thursday 12 noon that she was worried that her father looked yellow. We arranged a consultant to see him that night at 7pm. The consultant arranged an emergency CT scan for 10:30 Friday morning. He was diagnosed with liver cancer by 2pm. Sunday morning he was admitted back into the NHS system for treatment. 72 hours after the initial call he had a full diagnosis and was in the NHS system.

A woman with 10 young children called on Wednesday. We arranged for her to have an appointment with a top consultant for Thursday and he requested for a biopsy there and then. She was diagnosed with cancer a week later and the consultant referred this young lady to himself in the NHS for Monday. 10 days from her first phone call  she was in the NHS system on her journey to being treated..

The stories go on. And we are seeing miracles on a daily basis B"H.

I have single-handedly built this organisation and have taken full responsibility for the huge financial burden up until now. In order for Lev Chaim to continue its work, I am turning to the community with a plea to help me cover the budget for the near future. This will enable Lev Chaim to streamline its services and upscale sustainably.
Wishing you only good health, Mazel & Bracha

Sheva Neumann