Rabbi Engels Yeshiva
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Help Rabbi Engel to do what he does best: instilling bachurim with hashkafos and tools to make them capable, confident B’nei Torah - bigger people, who live their days with purpose.  More ...

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Rabbi Engel's Yeshiva

Building Bochurim's personal connection to Torah.

Demanding honesty and responsibility in their lives.

Challenging them to live their Yiddishkeit.

Rabbi Daniel Engel's Yeshiva is not a pass-through stop in a Bochur's Yeshiva career. It's where Bochurim create lifelong ambitions and find a true personal connection to their learning.

Aided by the Rosh Yeshiva's perceptive guidance and support, the Bochurim are constantly working to become bigger people who consider the purpose and motivation of their actions. and how it will affect those around them.

In learning, Rabbi Engel challenges his talmidim to be relentless in their pursuit of clarity and truth. Each sugya is an opportunity for the Bochurim to actualize their potential, and experience their own growth

Rather than just clocking in, each Bochur works hard to get a handle (a "tfisah") within the sugya; searching for days to answer a question; getting deeply involved, so that it’s transformed from “a sugya” to “My Sugya”.

These skills of honesty and accountability in Torah are developed to become skills for every area of life—from everyday challenges to interpersonal relationships. Through his weekly Hashkafa/Musar talks, Rabbi Engel cultivates in his talmidim the ability to apply these skills throughout life.

Though modest in size, this makom Torah is expansive in its goals. Help Rabbi Engel do what he does best: instilling bachurim with the hashkafos and tools to make them capable, confident b’nei Torah who live their days with purpose.


Building Leaders.

​​Shaping Tomorrow.