Step by Step
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{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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At Step By Step, every child with a disability becomes a child buzzing with brilliant ability. Plus ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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When it all is IMPOSSIBLE…

We transform it to I’M POSSIBLE.

For this child, it’s impossible. How do we make it possible?

At Step By Step, every child with a disability becomes a child buzzing with brilliant ability.

In a world where disabilities hinder them at every step, we give them tools to throw off their limitations and live to their potential.

A wondrous world of friendship and opportunity is opened for them, where the children can immerse in stimulating sensory experiences, a beautifully fitted sensory room, engaging soft play and ball pool room, all in our purpose-built hub.

Our sports sessions, including swimming, ice-skating and cycling are truly exhilarating experiences, and improve the children’s physical skills significantly, giving them a chance to thrive beyond their disability, if only for the moment.

A day out with Step By Step is a day filled with laughter, fun and joy. Dedicated carers give the children boundless love, care and attention, making them feel safe and supported.

After school Stay & Play sessions run each day from 3:30 till 6:30pm, where volunteers tend to the children’s every need with total devotion, so they come home satisfied and fed, after their siblings have had some Mummy-time and the family a breather.

Step By Step gives children with special needs a space to thrive while giving their families pockets of time to live normal lives.

Priceless gifts at an exorbitant cost.

For the family, living with their special child when there’s no programme on, is living in survival mode. Coping with non-verbal tantrums, remaining sane through endless medical crises, staying functional whilst providing constant specialised care…

Step By Step grants families the gift of just being, the chance to bond undisturbed without waiting anxiously for the next emergency, bringing moments of peace and harmony into homes.

It’s their lifeline; providing hours of fulfilling out-of-school programmes whenever needed. That’s after school, Shabbos, Yom Tov and Erev Yom Tov, Sundays, and Half-Term.

To date, Step By Step has transformed the lives of 653 local children, roughly amounting to a whopping 4,571 family members.

We stepped up whenever there was a need, always believing, trusting, persevering; making a seemingly impossible situation possible.

Now, we need your help to continue providing these vital services!

The children didn’t choose a life encumbered by challenges. The families didn’t choose a chaotic life of barely surviving. So, Step By Step created a reality where anything is possible.

We have given our special children a space to spread their wings and soar.

We have created a space for families to live normal lives.

But the cost-of-living crises means:

  • Funders are cutting back on their donations
  • Families are having difficulty paying for services
  • Users require subsidised services more than ever

That puts our services in crises.

Do your part and make life for our special children possible. Make Step By Step services continue to be possible.

We need your donation to make it possible!


