Yeshivas Shiras Hatorah
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Objectif originel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Yeshivas Shiras Hatorah Plus ...

Ceci est une campagne de jumelage, chaque don sera jumelé x2 par nos généreux donateurs
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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Dons
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Yeshivas Shiras HaTorah.  A moisad where bochurim feel so much more than just being taught. A moisad where bochurim feel treasured. A moisad which is a haven and a home for every single bochur. 

Yeshivas Shiras HaTorah, located in the heart of Manchester, opened its doors in Elul 5781 (2020).

The Yeshiva caters for ambitious talmidim who benefit from a unique Torah atmosphere and a close connection with their Rebbeim.

The Yeshiva provides a vibrant and healthy atmosphere, epitomised by its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yimiyohu Harari Shlita. The Rosh Yeshiva is renowned for his exceptional ability to both understand and relate to bochurim at their individual level, enabling him together with the dedicated and excellent Hanhola alongside, to develop each bochur and achieve his potential.

The Rebbeim, members of the Hanhola, have gained the love and respect of the Bochurim through their tremendous dedication and selflessness, making themselves available for each bochur on an individual basis.

The Seder Hayom of the Yeshiva features a carefully designed learning programme, incorporating short Shiurim, one-to-one learning, and chavrusahs. In addition, the bochurim enjoy and participate in open discussions in Hashkofah and Halocha.

This runs alongside various extra-curricular programmes, allowing the bochurim to channel their energies in a productive manner, building their confidence and self-esteem.

Shiras HaTorah is so much more than a Yeshiva. It is a family. Where everyone feels responsible to look out for each other, and help one another. 

But because of its small size and personalised attention, its cost are so much higher. We turn to our friends and supporters with a request for assistance to keep our doors open.

And this year as a token of Hakoras Hatov to our supporters, the bochurim have undertaken to complete Shisha Sidrei Mishna in the zechus of all our benefactors.

Help us reach our goal and become partners with our unique and wonderful Moisad.

