Working Days. Torah Lives
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The Beis - Manchester More ...

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Working Days. Torah Lives

After years of learning in yeshivos worldwide, many of those returning to Manchester for work or study were in need of a place for a couple of hours each evening where they could recapture the mesmerising atmosphere of a thriving Beis Hamedrash with a similar ambiance to that of the yeshiva world.

Eighteen months ago, we opened the Beis Chabura to plug this vacum. The Beis caters for the young professional who is aspiring, growing and developing his unique capabilities as a true Loimed Torah.

The Chabura ensures that everyone has a place to learn, a chavrusa to learn with and the Rosh Chabura together with his dedicated staff initiate and cement a strong connection with our young professionals helping and guiding them through their personal challenges in the ever increasing complicated world we live in. With the help of our yungerleit, vibrant sedorim are held daily thus enabling our young professionals plumb the depths of Torah.

In addition to the learning programme, we also run a number of different events thus catering to the varying needs of the chabura. Every Thursday night we gather round for cholent and kugel and an inspirational and dynamic speech given by the most sought after speakers. Seasonally, the chabura has a Yomim Noraim minyan, Shabbos meals and many other events such as a Shavuos night programme, Simchas Beis Hashovas etc.  The chabura aims to make learning exciting and accessible for everyone and this tailor made programme enables the boys to learn and shteig in a conducive and relaxed environment.

BH, over the past eighteen months the chabura has commissioned and enabled a successful transition from the yeshiva world to the working environment and inspired many to maintain and even elevate their commitment to Torah and Yiddishkeit.