לעילוי נשמת הרב שמואל זצ"ל בן הרב ראובן הי"ד וואלף. שריד לדור דעה, אוד מוצל מאש אוהב תורה ולומדיה
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Ursprüngliches Ziel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Giving every Chareidi woman the path to Parnassa – with dignity and values intact.  Mehr ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} mit  {{donor.teamName}} 


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{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Donations
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In Israel, too many Chareidi women struggle to find ample Parnassa opportunities to support their families with dignity. 

Temech was founded to change that:
Giving every Chareidi woman the path to Parnassa – with dignity and values intact. 

With conferences. And classes. And consultations. And coaching. Whatever it takes. 

Because women can be our strongest link. 
This year is different and difficult for everyone, especially in Israel, small businesses, and especially for women-owned businesses. 

But Temech doesn’t let them go under. 
We’ve adapted to the current crisis, supporting and guiding women to survive and thrive despite the considerable challenges. 

We can’t do it alone. 

We need everyone to strengthen the chain –

For our women. Our families. And Eretz Yisroel.

We are honored to dedicate this year’s Temech campaign, The Strongest Link in memory of Reb Shmuel Wolf z”l. 

Klal Yisroel lost a most unique and cherished link to the previous generations with the petirah of Reb Shmuel Wolf z”l. He was 92.  His life was marked by a commitment to Torah, chesed, and a warm spirit that endeared him to all who were privileged to know him.

Reb Shmuel embodied a remarkable tale of resilience and faith, having endured the tribulations of the Holocaust with unwavering emunah and bitachon.

He emerged from the shadows of the Holocaust with a profound commitment to avodas Hashem and a steadfast determination to rebuild the world that was lost. That desire to rebuild was always accompanied by a commitment to limud haTorah, as Reb Shmuel devoted himself to constant aliyah in Torah throughout his life.

Known for his selflessness, Reb Shmuel was a beacon of chesed and tzedakah, constantly extending a helping hand to mosdos haTorah, chesed organizations, and yechidim. His acts of kindness were not only financial, but also manifested in the warmth of his presence and the genuine care he showered upon others. He was a pillar of support for so many.

As a father and grandfather, Reb Shmuel's devotion knew no bounds. His family was the centerpiece of his life, and his care and concern for his children and grandchildren were awe-inspiring.

Today, Reb Shmuel's commitment to tzedakah v’chesed is carried on by his esteemed children.

Reb Shmuel is survived by his devoted wife, Gittel; his children, Reb Reuven, Reb Moshe, and Mrs. Perel Halbertal; and grandchildren following in his ways.