100 Years of Changing Lives. Your support Doubles the Impact!
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The Zone, also known as The Judean Club is so much more than bricks and mortar. Ещё ...

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The Zone, also known as The Judean Club is so much more than bricks and mortar.

For generations it’s where families and friends have enjoyed being together, where children laugh and where teenagers flourish. It's where our history and our futures collide. It’s quite literally where we help children and teenagers navigate this seemingly crazy and often confusing world.

Over the last 100 years this Centre, that was created because Jewish children were excluded from activities in the City, has proved to be an essential and vital part of family life, where young people develop a strong sense of self-worth and resilience.

Ensuring the future of the Zone is vital. It’s a sanctuary where lasting friendships are made, life skills are learnt, new opportunities are accessed and great fun is had. Our youth will never miss out on social activities, or ever feel they have to hide being Jewish.

If you, or anyone you know has ever benefited from The Judean Club and The Zone, if they hold a special place in your memory and if you are in a position to give back, or if you simply value The Zone’s work, don't let this chance pass you by.

Together, we can continue to enhance young people’s lives.

During this campaign our generous match funders will ensure that every single donation is doubled. Please donate today and help shape the next 100 years of this inspiring story.

A Little More About Our Work

Fact: The Zone hosts over 40,000 visits every year and that number continues to grow. Over 700 individuals attend and The Zone’s Youth Support Services work with circa 75 young people and their families at any one time. Some would not enjoy certain experiences such as Chagim, Bar/Bat Mitzvot, birthday parties, theatre trips, days out, home-cooked meals and lots more without The Zone.

Fact: Jewish children and adolescents are part of the number that make up the 200% plus increase in anti-Semitic attacks since October the 7th.  At The Zone we continue to support teenagers, young adults and their parents who have been directly affected or indirectly impacted by antisemitism.

Fact: The Zone Youth Support Team supported children, teenagers and families who had to leave Israel straight after October the 7th by providing a safe space, one to one counselling and with a group of volunteers provided transport needs, food and other specific and general support.

Fact: Zone members access opportunities such as Leadership, Arts Awards, Youth Movements, Israel Tour, Camp America, Informal Education Workshops, Zone Ed/ Cheder and so much more via our Partnership work.

Fact: Studies have demonstrated that young people thrive in The Zone, a safe social space. By attending The Zone, young people develop a strong sense of identity and often go on to contribute to society in whichever community they settle when they get older.

Fact: In 2021: One in six children aged 5 to 16 were identified by leading charities as having a probable mental health disorder. By 2023 the figure was estimated to have risen to one in every five children. Referrals to The Zone’s Support Services have increased accordingly.

Fact: There is often a two year plus waiting list for young people to access mental health assessments. Some young people have been on waiting lists for over three years. 76% of parents say that their children’s mental health deteriorates further whilst they are on the waiting lists.

Parents of children attending The Zone tell us that our Well-Being and Support Team makes such a significant positive difference during this time. Some are then able to come off waiting lists all together and continue to be supported at The Zone.

Fact: Suicide rates have continued to rise amongst young people in the UK. In 2021 198 young people took their own lives. This is the highest number in 30 years and is increasing.

Fact: Just over half of young people with a mental health disorder self-harm or think about suicide. The Zone’s early intervention team is trained to spot early signs and step in to prevent an escalation to crisis.

Fact: One in Three mental health problems in adulthood are directly connected to an adverse childhood experience. The Zone works to ensure adverse childhood experiences are supported positively for long term impact.

Fact: The Zone is a hub of Communal activity where people who live locally, visit, or come to settle in Leeds can enjoy a vibrant atmosphere with others and discover the Community.

The Zone has stood the test of time because despite the world changing so drastically over the last century, young people continue to benefit from and thrive in a stable and secure space.

The last 7 months have tested every element of our work and proved beyond any doubt that The Zone is absolutely vital. There is no question that all the areas of work contribute to a thriving Community of youth

Social media influencers, Tik Tok stars and TV reality stars are young people’s role models. “Likes and followers” have become young people’s goals, conspiracy theories have become fact, perception is reality and the lines are blurred.  Many young people are confused and parents are concerned. The Zone Youth Support Services counter the negativity with positive youth work.  

Thank You for taking the time to read about more The Zone and for making a birthday donation to our Big Birthday Campaign. You are welcome to visit us anytime.