The London Chabura
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Ursprüngliches Ziel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
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The London Chabura Mehr ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} mit  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Throughout the world תורה & לומדי תורה have an immeasurable השפעה. Edgware is no exception.   

add to this quality mechanchim and a vibrant בית המדרש filled with lomdim ערב ובוקר וצהרים

and you have 'The London Chaburah'.


Full Day Kollel - with אברכים developing in to תלמידי חכמים.

Benzi Dunner Mechanchim Kollel – Tailored specifically for local mechanchim.

Evening Kollel - where בעלי בתים learn בחברותא with אברכים.

NEW: Halcha Chaburah – the latest addition to the Kollel.

Winter Yarchei Kalla – a hugely popular event during the winter holidays - one of the highlights of the year.

YOU CAN EMPOWER all this by donating generously TODAY, and securing the future of this young and vibrant community.

TOGETHER we can secure another year of TORAH and its השפעה...

We are proud to בס"ד welcome every day 30 אברכים and mechanchim which together with the balei batim amounts to 70+ lomdim

Full day Kollel

The full day Kollel is led by our esteemed ראש חבורה Reb Meshulam Zahn. The Kollel has recently completed מסכת עירובין and has embarked on mastering מסכת בבא מציעא, and are currently delving into the sugyas of Ribbis.

The Benzi Dunner Mechanchim Kollel

The Benzi Dunner Mechanchim Kollel, led by its dedicated ראש חבורה, R' Shaul Steinberg, runs alongside the main Kollel during the afternoon סדר. This gives a wonderful opportunity for local מלמדים to utilise their afternoons learning within a vibrant בית המדרש and enables them to remain quality מחנכים. The Mechanchim will be celebrating the Siyum of Soitah this Motze Shaboss and have begun Meseches Rosh Hashonah .

The Evening Kollel

The Evening Kollel was established 3 years ago following a successful bonus round in the annual campaign. אברכים and בעלי בתים come together to spend the evenings immersed in Torah. The main limud in the evening is מסכת סוכה with many additional chavrusas joining the vibrant beis hamedrash and learning other limudim.

Halochah Chaburah:  

Our newest Chaburah was launched on Rosh Chodesh Cheshven, by R’ Aron Moishe and R’ Yanky Leaman and are currently learning Hilchas Hagalas Keilim.

All the learning is kindly hosted by בית המדרש קול יעקב

NOW is your chance to partner in this powerhouse of Torah and enable the endless השפעה to continue.

THANK YOU - הקב"ה should repay you בכפלי כפלים!


