Torah Temimah Primary School
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Первоначальная Цель {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Torah Temimah Primary School has seen a huge amount of change and growth over the past few years. We have welcomed a new Menahel, received great results from Ofsted and seen tremendous achievement in our Early Years department. We are proud of our recent successes and are looking forward to continuing to take the school on this exciting journey. Please support our campaign generously and become a partner in our future. Ещё ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} с  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Torah Temimah Primary School has seen a huge amount of change and growth over the past few years. We have welcomed a new Menahel, received great results from Ofsted and seen tremendous achievement in our Early Years department. We are proud of our recent successes and are looking forward to continuing to take the school on this exciting journey. Please support our campaign generously and become a partner in our future.

Our boys love coming to school and are always excited to learn from their Rebbeim. We are a school which exists to provide boys from the frum North West London Kehilla with a high quality תורה education coupled with Chol studies imbued with תורה values, enabling all boys to take their place in and contribute to the community.

Our aim is to provide quality experiences in all aspects of school life, enabling children to develop into fulfilled young people with a deep understanding and love of and commitment to yiddishkeit, לימוד התורה and the performance of מצוות, who are able to make a positive contribution to society. A warm, welcoming and respectful Jewish environment will enable our children to develop strong Jewish values and a love of תורה and Jewish life within the modern world.

Central to this overall aim are the following specific aims:

To instil in the boys a love of תורה and מצוות
To help boys develop מידות טובות and an appreciation that these are fundamental and applicable to all aspects of personal, professional and communal life.
To ensure that pupils reach the highest possible standards in all aspects of their לימודי קודש and לימודי חול.
Through encouraging positive attitudes and exemplary behaviour in pupils, to help them to develop high self-esteem and confidence.
To help boys become independent and responsible members of the school and wider community.
To help boys understand and respect the rights of others and their own responsibilities towards others.
To develop links with the wider community of which the school is part.

Our Va’ad Hachinuch led by Rabbi Winegarten שליט"א together with Rabbi Rephoel Goldblatt שליט"א and Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt שליט"א  interprets and rules on all matters relating to the applicability of these values, and the School Governing Board and Senior Leadership Team follow the directions of the Va’ad Hachinuch in all matters.

As a one form entry school which spends half of its time teaching לימודי קודש it is difficult for the school to survive on the basis of Government funds and parents' voluntary contributions alone. Our last campaign was in February 2024 and our funds are running very low. We are therefore reaching out to the wider community to help us to cover our deficit and continue to invest in the school, our Rebbeim, teachers and תלמידים so that we can continue to provide a high level of לימודי קודש and לימודי חול for our תלמידים.

Please help us to reach our goal by donating to this campaign and your donation will be matched by our generous matchers. Many thanks and may you be זוכה that through your donation to our campaign הקב"ה should fulfil כל משאלות ליבך לטובה!

