TT Viznitz
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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The campaign is to enable the final completion of the magnificent new building for Talmud Torah d’Chassidei Viznitz. More ...

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תלמוד תורה דחסידי ויזניץ לונדון יצ"ו

די נאמען פון דעם מוסד "תלמוד תורה דחסידי ויזניץ" איז באקאנט איבער די גאנצע שטאט פאר איינע פון די חשוב'סטע מוסדות החינוך, "והיתה ראשיתה מצער ואחריתה ישגה מאוד", דער ת"ת וואס האט זיך אנגעהויבן מיט א קליינע צאל קינדער מיט 16 יאר צוריק, ציילט זיך היינט בלי עין הרע מיט 160 תלמידים וואס ווערן מחונך על דרך התורה והחסידות

די תלמוד תורה וואס האט זיך אנגעהויבן אין א דירה אויף היטלענד רד האט זיך בליץ שנעל פארשפרייט און געמוזט טרעפן א נייע לאקאל ווי מען איז אריבער אין די בנין הביהמ"ד וואס די פלאץ פארנעמט נישט קיין תלמוד תורה, די קינדער וואלגערן זיך צווישן קאראוואנען און קלענערע צימערן וואס שטערט זייער די עבודת החינוך און די קיום פונעם מוסד

חסדי ד' כי לא תמנו - נאך גאר שווערע הארעוואניע פון די געטרייע חברי ההנהלה, האט מען געקויפט א בנין מיט א שטח און נאך שווערע יארן צו באקומען די נויטיגע דאקומענטן האט מען אנגעהויבן צו בויען, די בנין איז געבויט געווארן צו די באדערפעניש פון א מוסד, סיי מיט גרויסע כיתות, ווי אויך מיט א גרויסע הויף און נאך אסאך מעלות, וואס וועט אי"ה זיין פאר א גרויסע תועלת פון די תלמידים

נאכן ארום פארן די גאנצע וועלט האבן די געטרייע חברי הנהלה שוין צוזאמען געשטעלט די גרויסע סומע פון 6 מיליון פונט דאך נויטיגט זיך נאך 4 מיליון פונט צו זוכה זיין צו השלם זה הבנין דעריבער ווענדט מען זיך צו אייך העלפט אונז, אונז האבן געטון די מאקסימום

בעהט מען נעמט א שיינע חלק וזכות הגדול פון החזקת תשב"ר וועט שטיין לימינכם צו הרחבת הדעת, רוב תענוג ונחת דקדושה אושר ועושר וכט"ס

Talmud Torah d’Chassidei Viznitz Nearing Completion after Years of Hard Work

It is with great excitement that Viznitzer Chassidim is gearing up for a campaign to enable the final completion of the magnificent new building for the Talmud Torah.

The fact that this stunning building has become a reality in a few short years when everyone thought that it was only a pipe dream, is nothing short of a miracle and it is testimony to the great siyata dishmaya that accompanied the askanim throughout their difficult journey.

But first, let’s start from the beginning.

The Birth of a Cheder

Talmud Torah d’Chassidei Viznitz was founded in 5768/2008 in a house on Heathland Road with only fourteen children. Very soon the place became too tight to accommodate the growing numbers and the cheder relocated to the rooms above the Viznitz shul on 126 Stamford Hill. Rooms were divided and portacabins were added to make place for the growing cheder, but it was clear that a more permanent home was needed to allow for the cheder’s expansion.

A Building is acquired

In 2011 the dilapidated property on 73 Lordship Road previously known at St Mary’s Lodge on the corner of Lordship Park and Lordship Road was purchased from the Eitz Chaim – 69 - Kehillah for one million pounds. The reason for the cheap price for this large site was that the house was a grade two listed building and various attempts to receive planning permission to develop it, had been denied. The Holy Rebbe gave his blessing to the purchase and predicted that although it would be difficult, they would eventually achieve the desired planning. And so, the indomitable askanim threw themselves into the work. After various unsuccessful attempts, the askanim realized that they would have to compromise on their original plan of throwing down the existing building and submitted a new application with plans to keep the façade of the original building, but in exchange, they asked for permission to erect a building in the rear of it that will take up the entire garden, right up to the boundary. The plan included a rooftop garden for the older classes, while the early years would be housed in the original redeveloped house with a separate garden in the front. To the great astonishment of all those who had been following the developments, the council approved the plan.

It took some time to receive all the paperwork but finally ten years after the purchase, on 11 Tammuz 5781/ 2021 the Holy Rebbe came to London for the stone laying that was celebrated in a small, modest ceremony for the Viznitzer kehillah.

It took some months to complete the final architectural drawings and plans but finally, after Succos of 5782, the work started in earnest, starting with the piling. Throughout 5782 the work was mainly underground as the ground was drained, piling was done and foundations and pipework were laid.

After Succos of 5783, the building started coming up with great speed. It was decided to build the frame out of steel as opposed to the more traditional cement because it was quicker and stronger. By Chanuka 5783 they were already up to the pouring of the cement for the blockwork and the division of the rooms. Special white stones were brought over from Portugal to cover the façade of the building in a way that is befitting a beis Hashem.

The work then proceeded nicely with the wiring and other MNE. As we are standing now, the outside of the building is complete, with the windows in the process of being installed.

Inside the building, the first fix is all done, which includes wiring, etc and the second fix is in progress with water and heating pipes almost completed and plastering and tiling due to start very soon.

The Final Building Campaign

Now that the completion is becoming a reality, and that the Holy Rebbe shlita is planning to come for the chanukas habayis on Shabbos Shekalim/Vayakhel, Viznitz is launching a fundraising campaign, that will be active next week Parshas Mishpatim, 7 and 8 February to allow for the final completion of the building.

The total cost of the building is estimated to stand at ten million pounds. While the original estimate was eight and a half million, inflation, COVID-19, and other unexpected costs have raised this figure. Six million have already been paid and now the askanim needs to raise another four million to allow for the final fixes, plus installation of air-conditioning, decorating, and furnishing of the building for cheder use.

Although the building will not be ready for moving in at the time of the Rebbe’s visit, it is hoped that after Pesach, the grand move will be possible.

Talmud Torah d’Chassidei Viznitz

Reb Yaakov Avrohom Taub zt’l was appointed by the Yeshuos Moshe zy’a as menahel of the Viznitz cheder and he did his meleches hakodesh faithfully for many years. Currently, his son Reb Pesach Akiva Taub stands at the helm of Talmud Torah d’Chassidei Viznitz and he continues his father’s work with great devotion and expertise. He is assisted by a capable staff of melamdim who are devoted to developing the yiras shomayim, Torah learning, and middos tovos of the children. The cheder currently counts one hundred and sixty talmidim from kindergarten up until kitta tes and produced beautiful fruit, children, and bachurim who are a credit to Klal Yisroel and to Viznitz Chassidus.