Whitefield Community Kollel
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
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Whitefield Community Kollel was founded in 1990 to be an in-house Jewish learning academy acting as an authentic mokom Torah and a resource for the community. More ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Whitefield Community Kollel was founded in 1990 to be an in-house Jewish learning academy acting as an authentic mokom Torah and a resource for the community. The Kollel sees itself as a bridge between Torah learning and the world of the Anglo-Jewish community, bringing harmony by a shared commitment to Jewish growth through Torah.
Together with its sister institution, Kollel Nachlas Dovid - established likewise in 1990, they have been engaged in this dual mission of ללמוד וללמד. Since this time, several dozen prominent avreichim have graduated, having been trained both in their own learning and in meeting the needs of kehilla by sharing their Torah learning with others. Since 2020 both kollelim are hosted for their sidrei limmud and one to one learning by Shomrei Hadas, Prestwich.
The impact of a community kollel is simply immeasurable.
Now is your opportunity to support our yungerleit and join our noble mission ללמוד וללמד.