Yeshiva Dvar Torah
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At the turn of the century the leading Roshei Yeshiva in America saw the need for a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim for American Bochurim to grow in Torah with warmth and individualized attention. Mehr ...

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At the turn of the century the leading Roshei Yeshiva in America saw the need for a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim for American Bochurim to grow in Torah with warmth and individualized attention. With the encouragement and Bracha of Harav Elya Svei, Harav Chaim Epstien and Harav Yitzchock Feigelstock Zichronam Livracha,  the Rosh Yeshiva - Harav Menachem Eichenstein Shlit’a opened Yeshivas Dvar Torah - a Makom Torah where each Talmid would grow to their maximum potential.

For twenty-five years, the Rosh Yeshiva has lovingly transmitted the Mesorah he drew from the Gedolim of yesteryear. As a close talmid of Rav Shach Zt"l and with a personal connection to Rav Shmuel Auerbach Zt”l, and Reb Yisroel Elya Weintraub zt”l, the Rosh Yeshiva imbued the Bochurim with the Torah and Yiras Shmayaim he received from the previous generation. 

Many years have passed and with it many stories of success in bringing forth the best in each Bachur.  As the years went by the Yeshiva grew in reputation and in size. Eli Hakohen 36 - the Yeshiva’s beloved home for over 20 years was no longer suitable. A larger building - a more spacious Bais Medrash, more shiur rooms and a larger dining room were needed. With much Sityatta Dishmaya a building was found on one of the most Torahdike streets in Yerushalyim -Rechov Ezras Torah, which was renovated to suit the specific needs of the Yeshiva.

With the beautiful new Bais Hamedrash recently inaugurated, the sweet sounds of Torah reverberate within its walls and beyond. The many bochurim and Yungerleit that fill its halls, find here not only a welcoming atmosphere to call home, but an authentic and enjoyable connection to a real Torah life. The many Shmuesen, Vaadim, Chaburos, extracurricular incentives, and even Bein Hazemanim learning programs, are all uniquely designed to cultivate the precious gems the Yeshiva is known to produce.
Enhancing the Yeshiva is an elite kollel of choshuve Yungerleit who embody true Bnei Torah.

Success brings Success and with the expansion of the Yeshiva we need your help to fortify the Yeshiva, ensuring the success of the Yeshiva Bochurim of today – The klal Yisrael of tomorrow.




Joining the R”Y in this sacred task is a supremely devoted and truly unique Hanhalas Hayeshiva. 

Harav Yaakov Weitman Shlit”a, R”M of Second seder; A Talmid of Brisk for close to 20 years brings with him the derech Halimud of Brisk.

The Mashgiach Harav  Yehuda Rohr Shlit”a, a close talmid of the revered Mashgiach, Harav Shlomo Wolbe Zt”l, gives over the Hashkafa and Mussar of his Rebbi through weekly Vaadim and Shmuessen.

As the Yeshiva grew the need arose for additional Shiurim, Harav Shragi Miller Shlit”a, and Harav Boruch Sorotzkin Shlit”a, joined the R”Y in saying a shiur, ensuring that each Bochur can have a close connection with his Rebbi.

The Bochurim and Yungerleit gain tremendously from the Rabbeim Harav Kalmen Donnenbaum Shlit”a, Harav Simcha Kanner shlit”a, Harav Eliezer Levitz Shlit'a, and Harav Shmuel Sorscher Shlit”a who are all devoted to the shteiging of each and every talmid.