Stamford Hill are compelled and united to save children from Shmad.
London Jewry will join the holy mission of saving jewish lives!
Children are at stake of being taken from our faith.
We cannot allow even one Neshoma to deter from our ways.
The end of a stormy journey…
It’s a regular Monday morning at the M Family. Everything started routinely. It was indeed another lockdown day with all the children home, but B”H all the family members were feeling fine and everything was running as smoothly as possible given the circumstances.
Of course, there were the ordinary ups and downs that happen in every yiddishe home – the constant squabbling about who gets the landline, who has a live conference first, and who used the mobile yesterday.
The children are all seated at the table eating their dinner. When the phone rings, the kids are eager to answer, but their mother picks up.
Her face turns all colours of the rainbow, and a pained shriek emerges.
“What? Today?! Are you sure?!”
With her face drained of all colour she collapses onto a nearby chair, and in a breathless tone whispers into the phone, “Ok, ok”.
Sheindy, who is 9 years old, asked her mother worriedly, “Mummy! What happened?!”
The mother, realizing that she did not put on a good enough show, took a drink of water and replied,
“Nothing, nothing, it’s all fine. “
If only it was only nothing. If only it was all fine.
The short phonecall she had just received played itself over and over in her mind. Again and again, that demanding, strict voice…
“Today, at 5pm, all of them – I repeat – all of them – need to wait downstairs.”
She knew that eventually she will have to share this with her children, but she tried to push it off as long as possible.
Let them play outside as long as possible, distract them, distract herself, just push time.
She tried not to think about it, but of course it was all she could think about.
The clock wasn’t on her side though, and teasingly raced ahead, faster, faster.
4 pm. For the first time in her life, she didn’t want to call her kids inside. She couldn’t bring herself to picture what the coming hour will bring for them.
But there was no other option.
With her two feet weighing like logs, this devoted mother went over to the window to call in her children. She sat them down and told them everything.
“Since that day, a few weeks ago, when Tatty didn’t come home, he went somewhere far away. It’s so far, that really, yidden mustn’t go there. Very bad things can happen there! And children – your father sadly no longer looks like a yid. He is what is called ‘off the derech’”
The children looked sad, shocked and confused.
7-year old Volvi broke the silence and asked, “But why Mummy? Why did Tatty go there?”
“We don’t know, Volvi” she replied with tears in her eyes.
“Only Hashem can help us. We need to daven a lot, children”.
But the shock didn’t stop there. She now had to break the news to her innocent children that in just half and hour their father would come and take them out for a few hours.
“Children – remember. You are erliche yiddishe children, and ask Hashem that you should always remain this way.”
And then little Chaim’l – only 5 years old, and with a very limited understanding of what was happening, piped up “But Mummy, you’re coming with us, right?”
“No Chaim’l. Mummy can’t come with. But Hashem comes with every yiddishe child, no matter where he goes” the mother answered in a choked voice.
The moment they had all been dreading arrived.
The mother sent along sandwiches for her children, and watched in anguish as her 4 beloved children entered the car.
When her children were still at home, she controlled her emotions, and put on a brave show. But the minute the house was empty, the dam burst, and her heart overflowed with tefillos to Hashem.
She took out her worn tehillim, and even before she opened it the tears came. Sobs that came from the core of her being, sprouting forth raw pain and suffering.
All her worries about the future, all her love for her children -
“Oy Hashem!!! Help that my children should always remain frum, help they should have the kochos to overcome this terrible nisoyon, help that these terrifying moments should end, help that You should win this battle, and not the satan...”
For hours her body heaved with sobs, until finally, the door opened and her dear children returned home.
It was obvious that the children had been through a rough time, and only Hashem knows how such young children should emerge from this intact.
The children all started talking at once.
“Mommy – you know Tatty doesn’t have a beard anymore?” Chaim’l remarked, “And he wanted to take away my kappel! I cried, so he gave it back...”
Sheindy described how they went into a house and saw funny things on a big computer…
It was too much. Way too much.
She quickly tried to calm the children, and with motherly love sat the children down for supper.
After a nourishing meal, they prepared for bed, and within no time, the children were all sound asleep.
As she walked from room to room, she lovingly planted a kiss on each child’s forehead, and dreamingly stared at Chaiml’s peyos…
“Oy Tatte, will these peyos stay on his head, framing his sweet face? Will he be able to grow up erlich, or chas v’sholom…?”
If she thought that the tears inside of her had dried up already, she was in for a surprise.
She cried through the night, but she didn’t cry alone.
In Heaven, the malachim, the avos, the imohos and even the Shechina alone cried along with her broken heart…
Dear kind-hearted yidden.
We so badly wanted that this story should have a happy ending, but the reality is unfortunately very far from this. Tragically, this story is not unique here in our local community.
The askonim from “L’hatzil” are involved in helping those who face similar challenges.
As we write these lines, there are more than ten yiddishe neshomos who are at the threshold of deciding which route they will go down...and nobody knows what the ending will be.
These words are written with blood and tears, and we beseech you – please help out these families so that they should be able to remain a part of klal yisroel.
Understandably, in order to win these battles, we need to have the top lawyers, which means that every case ends up costing hundreds of thousands of pounds.
One thing is for certain – we cannot prevail without your support!
Remember – if we will bezras Hashem win this fight, it’s a win together with Hakodosh boroch Hu. But if we lose, then the satan is the winner chas v’sholom.
The end of their stormy journeys begins with your help.