Yeshivas Ohr Chodosh
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יעד בונוס
יעד מקורי {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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The structure that once housed the famed Yeshiva, built and led by the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Harav Y.Z. Segal zt"l is once again bursting with the sweet sound of young Bochurim learning Torah behasmoda. עוד ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} עם  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Much excitement has been felt in Manchester watching a famous landmark being reinstated.

The structure that once housed the famed Yeshiva, built and led by the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Harav Y.Z. Segal zt"l is once again bursting with the sweet sound of young Bochurim learning Torah behasmoda.

Curious passersby on Seymour Rd are astounded when they pop their head in just to have a glimpse. A bright, spacious and thriving beis Hamedrash meets their eyes. And their hearts are warmed by a deafening kol torah emanating from over forty vibrant bochurim immersed in Havayos DeAbaya VeRova.

This is the sight of Yeshivas Ohr Chodosh in full swing. It is the culmination of super-human efforts invested by the indefatigable Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Yisroel Aaron Schwalbe shlit"a to establish a Yeshiva Ketana which will bring its Talmidim to great heights in Torah, whilst providing the warmth, understanding and guidance that are vital for the Bochurim of today.

Backed by Rabbonim and Mechanchim in town and beyond, he knew that for a Bochur to develop into the Talmid Chochom he could become in today's day and age, a Yeshiva had to provide more.

He chose a Hanhola of outstanding Talmidei Chachomim who would propel their Talmidim to Gadlus BaTorah, yet really understand the challenges of today's Yeshiva Bochur. Hanholo who have succeeded in building a warm connection with each and every Bochur; a bond which has been invaluable in guiding, building and nurturing the individuality of each cherished talmid.

Watching the nine year metamorphosis from a handful of Talmidim in a local shul, to the current thriving Beis Hamedrash comprising three shiurim is watching a dream unfold.

The running costs of every Yeshiva are enormous, and when that's compounded with ongoing construction work, it's astronomical!

The good news is…. You can help! You'll be pleased to know that the tzibbur chovevei torah will be given the opportunity to become partners in this rewarding endeavor. And on next Wednesday and Thursday, Klal Yisroel will unite ke'ish echod belev echod to utilize this opportunity.