Yeshiva Gedola Toras Chaim of Edgware

Team sign up

Yeshiva Gedola Toras Chaim of Edgware under the leadership of Horav Moshe Davis and Horav Dovid Schlesinger is now coming to the end of its fourth year.

Boruch Hashem we have a high intake of bochurim and the demand is growing year on year.

High calibre shiurim, from talmidei chachomim and shoieilim umeishivim of a very high standard, allow the bochurim to shteig in their learning.

We very much appreciate your generosity and we wish you the brocho of ברוך אשר יקים את דברי התורה הזאת.

בברכת כל טוב

If you would like to join our teams, please fill your details below:
We will be in touch with you soon with more information about our campaign