Zos Lyaakov
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Objetivo del Bonus
Objetivo inicial {{campaign.goal|currency}}
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BS”D Kollel Metzuyanim was established in Yerushalayim for elite yungeleit looking to learn with depth and breadth. Más ...

En esta campaña, cada donación sera multiplicada x2 por nuestros generosos matchers

Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} con  {{donor.teamName}} 


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BS”D Kollel Metzuyanim was established in Yerushalayim for elite yungeleit looking to learn with depth and breadth.

We have 50 yungeleit learning a full day in our beautiful Beis Medrash on Rechov Chanah in the heart of Yerushalayim in addition to over 100 yungeleit learning in our smaller kollelim (night kollelim and Friday/Shabbos kollelim). Walking into the Beis Medrash is a balm to the eyes and music to the ears. The fire of the passion and devotion to the learning taking place there is heartwarming.

In honor of the 10th year of the Kollel we are looking to bolster our support of the Kollel and thereby the heilige yungeleit learning in it.
Many of our yungeleit are from the UK and have returned to the UK once they moved on from the Kollel. Therefore, we are starting our first campaign on the welcoming shores of the UK. Please join us in showing support for these pillars of the world!


GBP Transfer
Open Door Society Limited 
Charity number: 1142853
Sort code 09-01-29
Account number 51677402
Ref: ZosLyaakov
IL Transfer
בנק פאג"י 
סניף 175
מ.ח. 32565
ע"ש זכרון שמעון ירושלים