Over ten years ago, our Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Hagon Reb Shaye Portnoy Shlit"a opened Beis Medrash Le'Torah, a premier makom Torah where bochrim sit and shteig in Eretz Yisroel.
Yeshivas Shiras Hatorah
ישיבה הרמה אהל משה אין לעיקוואָוד איז ברייט באַקאַנט אַלס הערליכע מקום תורה פאר ערוואַקסענע חסיד'ישע בחורים וועלכע האָרעווען על התורה ועל העבודה מיט אַ קאָך און ברען, וועלכע איז אַ גראַנדיעזע חידוש זייענדיג אַ פולקאָם ערענסטע מקום תורה פאר בחורים אין די יאָרגענג
Yeshiva Zichron Tzvi Elimelech – uniquely structured as a level-based Bais Medrash, empowering bochurim to set & reach goals.
Manchester Purim Fund
PHGS G4 Purim
ETZ CHAIM MANCHESTER where our talmidim are treasured.
Please join Rav Gershon Hager, Rav Hershel Hager, Rav Dovid Tugendhaft, and Rav Gershon Dunner in raising money for destitute families in Golders Green and Hendon. For all donations made before 4pm on Purim Day - Matonos L'evyonim bo bayom!
We are completing Mishnayos Seder Moed Nezikim and Zeraim together on Motzei Shabbos!!! What a great Kiddush Hashem!
Tashbar Primary School, based in the heart of Edgware, caters for the growing communities of Edgware and Borehamwood.
At TAL, we believe in the power of transformation, empowering individuals, strengthening Judaism, and creating a lasting impact on the future.
Yeshivas Shaarei Chochmo was founded almost twenty years ago at the behest of the gedoilei Yisroel seeing a pressing need for serious English bochurim wanting to gain from the high standard learning available in Eretz Yisroel without having to lose their identity by getting lost in a big place.
Torah doesn’t take “weekends” or “holidays.” For serious yungeleit, the lack of the regular sedorim doesn’t hold them back.
Kehilat Meam Loez is celebrating 18 years of incredible growth and success!
Equipped to lead lives of purpose, integrity, and deep connection to Torah.
Together for Hospice
University Jewish Chaplaincy
Join Imrei Binah in inspiring Bochurim with the warmth, energy, and serious high-level learning, so that they may lead deep, meaningful lives.
In 1953, the Manchester Kehilla, though small, was strong in Yiddishkeit. A communal מקווה wasn’t just a want, it was a must.
It costs Camp Simcha £3.3million annually to provide its vital services for seriously ill Jewish children and their families throughout the UK.
Bais Yaakov Machon Chen
Campaign email: etzchaim.gg@gmail.comEtz Chaim Kollel Campaign phone: 0203 907 8673
Across London, potential is everywhere—in every home, on every street, in every borough.
Every dollar you donate to the Jewish Experience will be DOUBLED. That’s DOUBLE the impact giving families throughout Colorado a warm, inspiring Jewish connection.
JCommerce is the only business support charity offering interest-free start-up loans to help Jewish businesses in Manchester stand on their own feet.
The Hanholo of Yeshiva Lezeirim have infused hundreds of Bochurim with a Bren for learning, creating an atmosphere which propels them to the highest levels in Derech Halimud .
Tomchei Shabbos Yerushalayim helps struggling American and English yungerleit living in Yerushalayim, by providing them with basic necessities before Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Torah Temimah Primary School has seen a huge amount of change and growth over the past few years. We have welcomed a new Menahel, received great results from Ofsted and seen tremendous achievement in our Early Years department. We are proud of our recent successes and are looking forward to continuing to take the school on this exciting journey. Please support our campaign generously and become a partner in our future.
מקור חיים – מיט א קנאפע צוויי יאר צוריק איז מקור חיים טאקע נאך געווען אין די שטאפל פון אמבציעזע פלענער און חלומות
Kollel Ohr Yosef Chaim is a vibrant kollel nestled in the heart of the American neighborhood in Yerushalayim. Located in the shul, Mishkan Yechiel, one of the center points of Maalot Dafna neighborhood in Machal.
For nearly 20 years, Kolel Zohov Mishvo has been a pillar of Torah learning! Founded by Rabbi Moishe Wolf Shlita to cultivate a goal-driven, uplifting environment where Torah is truly learnt, mastered and acquired.
For over 600 girls and young women around the world living with an invisible chronic illness, MyTeam is the only organization supporting them. These girls face so many challenges; and no one knows what they are going through because their conditions are ‘hidden’.
Keser Torah Boys School
All about Mekor Hachinuch
Menorah Grammar School
Schneiders Kollel
At B’lev Echad, we believe that no couple should have to choose between buying groceries and their marital health.
If you landed here, you mean to support and be part of a critical campaign. You know who TYA is and want to give.
Campaign email: admin@levaharon.comYeshivat Lev Aharon’s mission is to provide a spiritual experience that fosters and focuses on the unique relationship between every individual and Hashem
You can still donate and double your impact!Now is a unique opportunity to join as partners in the endeavors of Mei HaDaas, under the leadership of HaRav Reuven Leuchter, Shlit”a.
Mother to Mother
Established in 1941 by HoRav Eliyohu Eliezer Dessler Zt”l, The Gateshead Kolel is Europe’s longest standing centre for the development of Talmidei Chachomim.
Keren Olam HaTorah is on a daring mission — the largest one yet.
United Synagogue Chesed (Welfare) works with our communities to care and connect in so many ways – providing critical support to our members and those in the wider community.
The Archer Academy
Kosher Care
The Menorah High Informal Education department provides the girls with exciting, stimulating and educational activities to enrich the students outside the classroom in a fun infused way. It gives each and every girl an opportunity to thrive and shine in her unique manner.
Campaign email: Desi-Ormonde@foodbankaid.org.ukHELP US GIVE MORE to the 33 food banks supporting 20,600 people in London who are HUNGRY and rely on them for essential food and household goods.